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Installation of image 1 in package failed to complete. (Error: 800700A1)

c04124647Today I had the problem, that the apply image step in the Task Sequence always failed for a specific hardware type (HP 840 G1). The entries in the smsts.log showed the following entries:

Set command line: "OSDApplyOS.exe" /image:A01000B1,1 "/config:A0100747,Win7_x64-DE-CH.xml" /target:C: /runfromnet:False    13.02.2015 12:18:03    2028
Found run from net option: 0
Not a data image
TSLaunchMode: UFD
OSDUseAlreadyDeployedImage: FALSE
‘C:\’ not a removable drive
The volume C:\ exists and is a local hard drive.
The volume C:\ is using a valid file system.
Windows target partition is 0-1, driver letter is C:\
Verifying boot volume is NTFS.
Succeeded loading resource DLL ‘X:\sms\bin\x64\1033\TSRES.DLL’
The machine does not have a local client cache.
ResolveSource flags: 0x00000001
SMSTSPersistContent: . The content for package P01000B1 will be persisted
DownloadOnDemand flag is true. Attempting to download content locally for Package A01000B1.
nPos != String::npos, HRESULT=800700a1
RecursiveCreatePath(sPath.substr(0, nPos), psa), HRESULT=800700a1
RecursiveCreatePath(sPath.substr(0, nPos), psa), HRESULT=800700a1
RecursiveCreatePath( sNormalizedPath, psa ), HRESULT=800700a1
DownloadContentLocally (pszSource, sSourceDirectory, dwFlags, hUserToken, mapNetworkAccess), HRESULT=800700a1
TS::Utility::ResolveSource( this->packageID, this->packagePath, TS::Utility::ResolveSourceFlags::PersistContents | (this->forceRunFromNet ? TS::Utility::ResolveSourceFlags::ForceRunFromNet : 0) ), HRESULT=800700a1
resolvePkgSource, HRESULT=800700a1
Apply, HRESULT=800700a1
Installation of image 1 in package A01000B1 failed to complete..
The specified path is invalid. (Error: 800700A1; Source: Windows)
installer.install, HRESULT=800700a1
ReleaseSource for \Packages\A01000B1.
The user tries to release a source directory \Packages\P01000B1 that is either already released or we have not connected to it.
InstallImage( g_InstallPackageID, g_ImageIndex, targetVolume, ImageType_OS, g_ConfigPackageID, g_ConfigFileName, bOEMMedia, g_RunFromNet ), HRESULT=800700a1
Process completed with exit code 2147942561    TSManager    13.02.2015 12:18:04    1636
Failed to run the action: Apply Windows Image.
The specified path is invalid. (Error: 800700A1; Source: Windows)    TSManager    13.02.2015 12:18:04    1636

Then I found also other people which have the same problem. The main cause for this issue is, that diskpart in the partition drive step is not able to set the c:\ partition to active. I tried all actual drivers, but they didn’t solve the problem too. It’s also not possible to set the partition active manually.

Until now the only workaround is to deploy these devices in AHCI instead of RAID mode. You can change this setting in the UEFI/BIOS. The problem is also discussed in the HP Forum.

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