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Tag: Windows 10

Azure AD
Thomas Kurth

Dsregcmd for PowerShell and .NET

I often write script or small applications for devices. Many times I required the AzureAD device ID which can be obtained from registry or by parsing the dsregcmd output. But parsing console output is not really reliable when the output changes for example. Now, I found a solution by using the

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Thomas Kurth

Configure Windows 10 Auditing with Intune

Windows 10 auditing needs to be configured to comply with the Microsoft Security Baseline. In my opinion this is an important part but completely missed in the Intune UI. But happily there is the Policy CSP which allows us to configure it. The CSP is documented here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/client-management/mdm/policy-csp-audit. To simplify

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AzureAD Joined Device and Kerberos???

If you join a device to Azure AD, then you get SSO to cloud resources protected by Azure AD. If you are using a Hybrid User (Synchronized from your on-premise Domain), you get an additional hidden gimmick. In general, it allows a lot of use cases where a company would

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Modern Workplace Client Center

I work in Workplace Management projects since a long time and troubleshooting was sometimes a nightmare, including with ConfigMgr. You had to read a lot of log files to recognize the core issue of a problem to be able to implement a solution. But I saw that only a small

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Syntaro Hits Australia and Increases Security

We’ve just released new versions of the Syntaro Marketplace, as well as our Application Management and WimAsAService modules. Apart from improved usability (copying of package versions, integration of basescript from github etc.) in a lot of spaces, we’re very happy to share three major new features. New Regions – Australia

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