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Check your Delivery Optimization settings to be ready to optimize Intune Win32 app downloads

I just realized that Intune is starting to support Delivery Optimization for Win32 App downloads. This is really great, because the internet bandwidth usage was always a big discussion in my Modern Workplace projects. until now we could help the customer only with Syntaro App Management which supports BranchCache. But now we can do it with Intune standalone.


Downloading Intune Win32 app content
Windows 10 RS3 and above clients will download Intune Win32 app content using a Delivery Optimization component on the Windows 10 client. Delivery optimization provides Peer-to-Peer functionality that it is turned on by default. Delivery optimization can be configured by group policy and in the future via Intune MDM. For more information, see Delivery Optimization for Windows 10.
Quote from Release Notes Nov 2018


So, the first step is to verify if Delivery Optimization is working. This can easily be done by using Powershell:




If you see that MonthlyDownloadLanBytes or MonthlyDownloadInternetBytes is still on zero, then you have perhaps a misconfiguration on your device.


There are three important parts to check:

  • Configuration DODownloadMode must be LAN (1), Group (2) or Internet (3)
  • Local Firewall must allow TCP/UDP 7680
  • Internet connectivity to https://*.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com


You can easily to that by using the ModernWorkplaceClientCenter Module from the PowerShell Gallery. The new function Invoke-AnalyzeDeliveryOptimization will do all the checks for you and also provide solutions if something is incorrectly configured. Just install the PowerShell Module:


Install-Module ModernWorkplaceClientCenter


Or update it if you have it already installed:


Update-Module ModernWorkplaceClientCenter


Start the troubleshooting

Then you can start the Delivery Optimization checks:




The result can then look like:

Some of the Issue texts are longer and cannot be displayed completely, therefore I recommend using Out-GridView to display it better:


Invoke-AnalyzeDeliveryOptimization | Out-GridView



I hope this new function will help you troubleshooting Delivery Optimization issues. If you experience issues which were not detected, please raise an issue on the GitHub page. See the other available functions of the ModernWorkplaceClientCenter.

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