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Unveiling a new version of M365Documentation PowerShell Module: Creating Markdown Documentation with Ease

The Microsoft 365 community has a reason to rejoice as a new release of the M365Documentation PowerShell module was published PowerShellGallery.com. With the latest update, users can now create comprehensive documentation in Markdown format, complete with an intuitive table of contents. This feature has been highly anticipated and requested by the community, making it an exciting development for Microsoft 365 Admins and documentation enthusiasts alike. But that’s not all; the new release also comes with a set of fixes for various issues reported on the GitHub repository, making it more robust and reliable than before.

In this blog post, we will explore the fantastic capabilities of the new M365Documentation PowerShell module, delve into the advantages of generating documentation in Markdown.

A Brief Overview

The M365Documentation PowerShell module has been a valuable tool for administrators working with Microsoft 365 services. It enables them to extract essential information from their Microsoft 365 environment and generate documentation to streamline the documentation process and facilitate knowledge sharing within teams.

Markdown: Documentation Heaven

Markdown has become the de facto standard for writing documentation, primarily due to its simplicity, readability, and ease of use. Until this new release, users of the M365Documentation module had to rely on other tools to convert the generated data into Markdown format. With the latest update, the module provides a native option to output documentation in Markdown, eliminating the need for additional steps and external tools.

  1. Simplicity: Markdown’s syntax is straightforward, consisting of plain text and a few simple formatting symbols. This simplicity ensures that anyone, regardless of their technical expertise, can create and update documentation efficiently.

  2. Readability: Markdown documents are clean and visually appealing. They can be easily read both in their raw format and when rendered as HTML or other formats, making it ideal for sharing documentation with various stakeholders.

  3. Version Control Integration: As Markdown files are text-based, they can be easily managed with version control systems like Git. This means changes can be tracked, reviewed, and reverted when necessary, ensuring documentation accuracy and traceability.

  4. Platform Agnostic: Markdown is a platform-agnostic format, which means it can be viewed and edited on any device or operating system without compatibility issues. This flexibility ensures that team members can access and contribute to documentation using their preferred tools.

  5. Table of Contents (ToC) Support: With the new release, M365Documentation now includes an automated table of contents generation. This feature significantly enhances the organization and navigability of lengthy documents, enabling readers to find information quickly and efficiently.

Fixes and other Enhancements

I really appreciation the user feedback and with the latest release incorporated fixes for various issues reported on the GitHub repository. Some of the key issues that have been addressed include:

  1. When used the Optimize-M365Doc command in combination with the ExcludeValues Parameters all information for Settings Catalog Based Policies where removed instead of just the values. 
  2. Azure AD App Registration creation produced warnings due to the usage of a .NET class.
  3. Handling of special characters in filename.
  4. Much more smaller improvements and optimizations.


The new release of the M365Documentation PowerShell module marks a significant milestone in empowering administrators and developers with the ability to create documentation in the widely adopted Markdown format.

If you haven’t already, head over to PowerShell to get your hands on the latest release of M365Documentation. Explore the power of Markdown-based documentation and take your Microsoft 365 environment documentation to new heights of clarity and simplicity! Happy documenting!

$doc = Get-M365Doc -Components Intune -ExcludeSections @("MobileAppDetailed")

# Output Raw Version as Markdown
$doc | Write-M365DocMd -FullDocumentationPath "c:\temp\$($doc.CreationDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"))-WPNinjas-Doc.md"

# Output Optimized Version as Markdown
$docnew = $doc | Optimize-M365Doc -UseTranslationFiles -UseCamelCase -ExcludeProperties @("id","@odata.type") 
$docnew | Write-M365DocMd -FullDocumentationPath "c:\temp\$($doc.CreationDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"))-WPNinjas-Doc-Translated.md"
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ken · February 21, 2024 at 22:32

Can this tool connect to Government community cloud?

    Thomas Kurth · February 22, 2024 at 17:44

    Currently not, but could easily be changed. Please create an issue on github and if it gets more comments then I will work on it.

Microsoft Roadmap, messagecenter en blogs updates van 25-07-2023 - KbWorks · July 25, 2023 at 07:34

[…] Unveiling a new version of M365Documentation PowerShell Module: Creating Markdown Documentation with… […]

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