With our App Management Module, we solved an important issue most of you have with Intune: the distribution of applications which are not single MSI files and which might require pre and post steps during install and uninstall. This module is now in production for several of our customers and proving its value. At Syntaro we’re not going to lean back now though. There are other issues to solve when it comes to application management with Intune.
Syntaro is now proud to release an add-on plan for our App Management Module to take application management a step further. The Application Management P2 module allows targeting of application versions to device groups in your environment – effectively extending your existing Windows 10 deployment rings to applications. It is the perfect complement to anyone who wants to leverage the concepts of deployment rings as we know them from Windows 10 and Office to encompass all applications on a client.
Here a few reasons for wanting the P2 plan
Simpler Deployment – lower management overhead
You might need to test and update your LOB application before releasing it to the latest OS distribution. P2 helps you in 3 ways.
- You can test new versions of an application before rolling out to all devices with a single Intune assignment.
- You can use the same rings as you use for Windows 10 or Office.
- Plan the deployment of the application with availability time per deployment ring.
Bandwidth Optimization
A pleasant side effect of deployment rings is that they give you the ability to optimize bandwidth usage as well. The way it works is that through initial deployment to a small group (possibly even one client) you’ll reduce the bandwidth need for the subsequent rings in that location. A requisite being that branch cache is in usage. If so the content necessary will already be in your branch cache after that first user group received it. In that sense you can even create rings just for the sole purpose of saving bandwidth. This can be easily achieved if you simply run a pilot and production ring. So even if you don’t need version targeting per se there’s value in the P2 plan.
You still have SCCM because you need Collections
Certainly, there are still valid reasons to carry on with SCCM and Collections as they are mighty tools built over many years. We do believe quite a few usage scenarios can be alleviated with our application ring approach and some creativity. It’s a matter of truly rethinking your deployment phases and leveraging what you’ve already learned about Windows 10 servicing. Going to a fully modern managed client with just Intune and Syntaro will save you infrastructure and maintenance costs which go far beyond what Intune and Syntaro App Management P2 plan will cost you. As much as we appreciate SCCM co-management, why keep two environments for one purpose? Why pay twice the costs for maintenance and infrastructure? We believe you should put your resources in the right place for the future and do so as soon as possible. That place for your client management needs is Intune and we help it work the way you need it – today!
If you have any questions reach out to us!
Syntaro Application Management Homepage: https://www.syntaro.com/module/appmanager/
Syntaro Wiki – Get Started!: https://wiki.syntaro.com/
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