Daniel von Büren
Technical Specialist Security & Compliance
Ken Goossens
Simon Goltz
Consultant @synalis, passionate about Zero Trust with Endpoint Manager / Zscaler
John Craddock
Identity and security architect
Per Larsen
Microsoft, MEM Senior Program Manager
Gregor Reimling
Azure MVP | Cloud Architect
Michael Mardahl
Cloud Architect @APENTO | Microsoft MVP | Swiss Army Brain
Travis Roberts
MVP, MCT, IT Consultant, Blogger and Enthusiast
Peter van der Woude
Modern Workplace enthusiast
Alex Verboon
CTO - Principal Cyber Security Consultant
Herman Arnedo Byrne
Product Manager | Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Ryan Mangan
Cloud and EUC Technologist, Author, Technical Blogger
Eric Orman
Torbjörn (Mr T-Bone) Granheden
Mr T-Bone
Wim Pouseele
Technology & Innovation Manager
Panu Saukko
ProTrainIT Oy, MVP - Enterprise Mobility
Christiaan Brinkhoff
Principal Program Manager and Community Lead at Microsoft
Aria Carley
Program Manager @ Microsoft
Lothar Zeitler
Microsoft, Senior Program Manager MEM
Nico Zieck
The end-to-end application management platform
Mattias Borg
Cyber Security Geek
Ronny de Jong
Microsoft, Security Technical Specialist
Gianni Castaldi
Kustoking and NinjaCat @ KustoWorks
Juha Haapsaari
Recast Software
Marc Nahum
Microsoft, Senior Product Manager MEM
Michael Niehaus
Principal R&D Engineer, Tanium
Chris Muster
CTO at Recast Software
Bryan Dam
Software Engineer - Recast Software
Sergey Chubarov
Ethical Hacker
Ben Whitmore
Senior Cloud Consultant | CloudWay
Wout Vergauwen
The product guy at Scappman
Ralf Gomeringer
Technical Specialist - Security
Kim Heyrman
Gerry Hampson
Senior Consultant, Ergo Group | Microsoft MVP
Christian Decker
Cloud Architect and Microsoft Fanboy
Dilip Radhakrishnan
Partner, Group Product Manager - Endpoint security and management
Jan Ketil Skanke
MVP Enterprise Mobility, Partner CloudWay
Harjit Dhaliwal
Cristina Osorio Valenzuela
Microsoft CxE Product Manager
Kenneth van Surksum
Modern Workplace Consultant at Insight24
Micha Wets
Microsoft MVP | Azure Solutions Ambassador & Architect @ ConXioN
Sami Laiho
Senior Technical Fellow, MVP
Chris Muster
Recast Software, Chief Architect
Merlijn Van Waeyenberghe
@MerlinFromBE @itsobvus
Pim Jacobs
Microsoft MVP & Principal Consultant @InSpark
Wim Matthyssen
Microsoft Azure MVP | MCT | Azure Technical Advisor
Eyal Haik, Ph.D.
Senior Product manager, Microsoft 365 Defender
Danijel Stanic
Sr. Business Development Manager @Samsung Mobile B2B
Juanita Baptiste
Product Manager at Microsoft
Greg Ramsey
Dell Distinguished Engineer and Enterprise Architect, Microsoft MVP
Marcel Meurer
Microsoft MVP for Azure, sepago GmbH
Esther Barthel
Solutions Architect at cognition IT
Nina Desnica
Program Manager MEM
Ronni Pedersen
Microsoft MVP: Enterprise Mobility, APENTO
Naama Schlesinger
Principal PM lead, Microsoft 365 Defender
Markus Lintuala
Public Cloud and Microsoft 365 Hero
Sandy Zeng
Senior Cloud Architect at CloudWay | Microsoft Enterprise Mobility MVP | MCT
Stefan Schörling
Cloud Security and Infra Geek - Onevinn AB
Erik Loef
Richard Hicks
Richard M. Hicks Consulting, Inc. - Enterprise Mobility and Security Infrastructure
Pallavi Joshi
Senior Product Manager, Intune Customer Experience Engineering, Microsoft
Jörgen Nilsson
Onevinn - Ccmexec.com
Garth Jones
Ask Garth!
Matt Call
Principal Product Manager - Endpoint Security
Thomas Naunheim
Cloud Security Architect @glueckkanja-gab AG
Dean Ellerby
Senior Security Architect
Tim De Keukelaere