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During our projects we develop always helpful tools and share them n this site with the community. All of them are free of charge, without support and guarantee. Read the responsible terms within the respective Github Repositories.

Table of Contents

MSIX Commander

MSIX is now already around for some time and I started to experiment with it. While I was working with it, I started to realize that it would be nice to have a little GUI tool that would help me with doing certain tasks. 


Blog posts

Automatic Microsoft 365 Documentation

Automatic Documentation of M365 to simplify the life of admins and consultants. It is the successor of the Intune Documentation module and allows documenting many different areas of Microsoft 365.

Get Started

The Automatic Microsoft 365 Documentation PowerShell Module is available in the PowerShell Gallery and therefore its simple to install and use. You can just use these commands:
Install-Module MSAL.PS
Install-Module PSWriteWord
Install-Module M365Documentation
This example covers basic functionality for interactive usage. Advanced use cases like creating your own app registration is covered in the advanced usage section.
# Connect to your tenant

# Collect information for component Intune as an example 
$doc = Get-M365Doc -Components Intune -ExcludeSections "MobileAppDetailed"

# Output the documentation to a Word file
$doc | Write-M365DocWord -FullDocumentationPath "c:\temp\$($doc.CreationDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"))-WPNinjas-Doc.docx"


Blog posts

Modern Workplace Client Center

The key goals of my project are as follows:

  • Troubleshooting processes should be simplified by automatic system analysis.
  • Remediation of well-known issues detected by the analysis.
  • Get information about the system in PowerShell without knowing where all the things are saved (WMI/EventLog/Registry/Files)
  • The following Key products are in the focus:
    • Intune
    • Windows 10
    • Azure AD, incl. Hybrid Join

For me it’s important to get feedback from you. If you experience an issue and found a solution for it, please send me as much information about how to detect the issue. Perhaps event id’s, log names, registry keys and the expected values.


Blog posts

Intune Connector for AD Extender

This service extends the Intune connector for Active Directory by adding the possibility to trigger additional actions on Offline Domain Join. Like adding the computer to a specific group or remove existing computer accounts and much more.


Blog posts

Active User Setup

Applications sometimes need user settings in the current user registry or file changes in the user profile. Most package engineers we know of use Active Setup to achieve this when the package is not MSI based or some special actions has to be executed in user context. There is however some issues: Active Setup is not supported for public use and it has usage issues. The biggest issue is that Active Setup doesn’t work with in-place upgrades. To improve this situation we created the free “Active User Setup”, an alternative that will still work after an in-place upgrade to Windows 10. 


Blog posts

MEMCM MiniWebService

Configuration Manager has only a feature called UDA which installes applications directly after the task sequence. But then the user is already able to login an d work. This small web service improves this process significantly, because it enables you to install all applications during OS deployments which is not possible with the built in features. For more screenshots and manuals have look on our blog posts which explains the service clearly.

Release History
First released Version
Feature: Added the validation to check if an Application i allowed to install during TS
Bugfix: User Applications were not returned correctly.
Bugfix: User Applications were not returned correctly, when called over GetAppsDeployedToDeviceAndUser.
Feature: Chaching of Application information in local Xml.
Feature: Resolve AD group Memberships to Collection Memberships for User Assignments. This Feature has to be enabled over App Config CheckUsersADGroups
Bugfix: Setup now installs as local System if no user is specified.
Feature: You can now request Device Variables by Device Name. This can be useful to refresh Tattoing information on clients.
Bugfix: Dynamic application Install will no return applications, which are assigned to an older Resource with the same name. When a DEvice was removed from ConfigMgr. No Applications will be installed after first Install.
Change: Rebranding to new Company 🙂
Bugfix: ResourceID of newly added Device was not found, because they have the Obsolet Property not set.


Blog posts