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Best Practice: Complete Naming Convention for ConfigMgr CB

A few weeks ago I posted and updated poster for the collection structure and naming conventions. because of the great feedback I got I have now added a new poster for objects like Task sequences, applications, packages and WIM files in the ConfigMgr Console. Additionally I have moved all posters to the Github to simplify the download process.

You can find all Naming Conventions on GitHub.

So, keep your ConfigMgr environment clean and tidy! This makes your and your colleagues live easier.

I have also added a details explanation about each variable I use in the naming convention in the newest poster:

ManufacturerUse always the same name. For example, no not use Msft, MS, Microsoft and for at other places Microsoft Corporation. If no manufacturer is available like for some Opensource tools use “Others”.
ProductThis is the product name like Office or Photoshop. Sometimes the manufacturer adds a marketing version number like for example 2016 or X to the product name. This should be removed.
VersionThe product version should be the version number in the format of Do not use the marketing version number like for example 2016 or X. If there are only fewer version numbers like 0.0 or 0.0.0 available, then this is also ok.
Package VersionThis is the version/revision number of the packaged application. This means each time your package engineer has to update something, then this number should be increased by 1. I recommend using 001 and not a version number like the product version to explicit differentiate from the product version number.
P/VIf you use physical and virtual packages like APP-V, then it makes sense to specify the type in the deployment types.
LanguageThe language should be specified with the two characters abbreviation like EN, DE, FR and so on. If the application contains multiple languages, then use ML.
ArchitectureThe architecture should specify the used process architecture like x64 or x86. If the setup is installing automatically the correct one or is installing both on a x64 system, then use x99 as architecture.
ConfigurationSome values allow to specify a specific configuration. This is useful if you have a single application but for example different configurations for different departments.
OSThe OS can be for example Windows7 or Windows1903.
EditionThis should define the installed OS edition like home, pro, enterprise or edu.
ImageVersionThe image version is for like the package version your own version number. 000 should mark the original WIM file from the DVD. Self generated WIM files should have numbers counted up from 001.
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