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Repair Application on a Client when using the new Application Model of SCCM 2012

If you have deployed an application to clients and you get a call from the user that the application is not correctly installed. Or an installed application get corrupted during operation then you need to repair the application on the client.

With SCCM 2012 and mandatory advertisements you have the following possibilities to reach the goal:

  • Uninstall the application manually on the client.
  • Move the client to the uninstall collection and after the uninstall completed back to the install collection
  • The third option I explain in this blog post

First you have to create a package for every application you would like to allow repair. This should look like that:


Then you have to create the REPAIR Program like this:


This Program can contains always this command when you are using our launcher:


cmd /c RunLauncher.exe /uninstall && wmic /namespace:\\root\ccm path sms_client CALL TriggerSchedule "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000121}"

This command starts first the uninstall of the application with the command “RunLauncher.exe /uninstall” and then executes the application evaluation cycle. This cycle starts the installation of the program immediately and the application should be repaired. You can change the uninstall command to every other command you like.

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